Tarun Gupta

Small Website Tweaks That Bring More Conversion

Tarun Gupta | Feb 5th, 2015 | Digital Marketing
Web Conversion

You have created a great website, done SEO and now ready to serve your customers. But, suddenly you spot that most of your visitors aren't participating in any transaction there. Means, you're successful at having visitors to your website but failed miserably when it comes to convert them into actual buyers. The key question here: why? There are possibilities that a few loopholes on your website are distracting your visitors.


Small Website Changes That Improve Conversion

Young Entrepreneurs Council (YEC) recently published the views of its key contributors on how to improve customer conversion ratio by a few quick tweaks. They talked about the major issues that may add value to your conversion rate optimization efforts. Here is the brief illustration of their key points.

A call To Action That Stands Out

It isn't enough to have a call-to-action on the website, but it needs to be distinct. Most the of CTA buttons have standard text like 'Buy Now', 'Subscribe' or something else. Though, they work fine in most cases, you can optimize them further with more attentive text.

Use Buttons With Creativity

Being simple works well everywhere, but with website buttons you may turn up more stylish. Ask your website designer to create button that's recognizable and invite visitors to click. Amidst heavy graphic, don't let visitors die searching for a 'sign-up' or 'buy now' button.

Check Out The Information Flow

If you succeed in bringing your visitors to the landing page, engage them well with the content. Check if your landing page content is in order and delivers very detail about the product, a buyer is looking for. The essence is: if your content flows well and provides the education and information to buyers, you'll win the conversion.

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Perform AB Tests

Though, AB tests don't promise huge conversion, yet certainly a trick you ought to try. When you optimize a website for conversion, there are certain AB tests you may perform.


Buy Now vs Free Trial

Needn't to say, 'free trial' gets more buyers than forcing people with 'buy now'.

Credit Card vs No Credit Card

Users are mostly reluctant to share their credit card details. Just drop the idea of credit card and see the boost.

Small Symbols

Symbols play important role in boosting conversion, though, instances are rare. If a website carries a 'Verisign' trust symbol, visitors might choose it for the transaction.

A Live Chat

Your potential buyers might want to tune-in with you before finalizing a transaction. Having a live chat facility can increase the chances of getting the deal done. Make sure, you are available 24x7 on live chat to address their doubts.

Form Fields

A form is important for lead generation. But it could distract users if has more form fields than required. Put together only the relevant form fields necessary for the transaction.

Remove User Distraction

When your buyer is on your landing page, even a small distraction might push him to navigate to somewhere else. So, you must remove distractions on the page at the extent possible. If a user decides to have a flash drive from the store, it's of no use to pop-up coupon codes for upcoming smartphone.

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Use Images And Graphics

Images convey the messages 1000 times faster than text. Buyers are usually reluctant to read longer text on the product pages. They feel more engaged with impressive graphics / images that tell some story in fewer words. Connecting your buyers through compelling images and graphics keep them on the site longer.

Reduce Your Content Length

For content marketing, you consider elaborated and lengthy text. But when it comes to a page that sells product, fewer content is a good idea. No buyer is willing to read the product history on your landing page. All he needs is to get the important details around. It helps him to decide upon the purchase quickly. Reduce the content length of your page without compromising the vital product details that buyers need to read.

Offer Freebies

This is a quick way to engage buyers around your product. When users land on your landing page, give them a guest treatment. Offer them something free that matters to them. It may be shopping coupons, e-books or free premium content. They will certainly like this idea and will visit your place again.

Add A Newsletter Pop-up

This could set the platform for your conversion. Companies have seen staggering results with more customers added to their e-mail list. When a user subscribes your newsletter, you get a potential buyer for your service.

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