If you are an internet marketer with an online business presence, web usability is probably a term you need to take up quite seriously. The usability testing is a process that checks up the usability of your web pages to get an idea whether or not these pages are offering the user friendliness and good browsing experience.
If Website Designing Services experts are to be believed, usability is an integral part that ensures your online business success. There are a number of usability factors that decide the overall business success and therefore you need to test every aspect thoroughly.
Web Usability Analysis Strategies to Consider in 2020
Being a professional I understand why a website fails to generate revenue and conversion. The reason being is that it may be lacking at a number of usability fronts. Let's take the issues one by one.
1. Feasibility Analysis
This is probably the most important task I would like to add in the Web Usability aspect. An individual user visits your website to accomplish a number of functions. Might he is there to collect certain information, share some views or most importantly to buy a product. Whatever may be the task he want to execute.
The user task analysis ensures that your users are able to do what they want to do on your website in the best manner possible. The analysis answers a number of pertinent questions including
- Whether or not it is easy for users to learn the task execution process.
- Whether or not it is easy to accomplish the task.
- Whether are not there available a streamline process of job execution.
- Whether or not a recovery mechanism is available if a user fault occurs.
2. Readability Analysis:
Now comes the readability analysis that takes care varied range of content issues pertaining to a particular website. For any website irrespective of its nature and vertical association, content is the most significant component.There are a number of considerations we must keep in mind during the analysis.
Here we analyze whether or not the content is easy to understand and grasping for the users. It is also visualized whether the vocabulary used on the page is complex or user friendly. Whether or not the writers have placed concise and easy to understand paragraphs. And finally it has to be check that would the users love to read the content posted and what the level of authenticity and content credibility.
3. Navigation Analysis:
For most of the users, site navigation decides the attrition and thus becomes inevitable during Website Maintenance. Typically a site navigation helps users to move across the multiple pages of the website. An entire navigation component comprises several components such as navigation menus, search boxes and sidebar widgets etc. During navigation analysis one should check the various facets such as:
- Website information architecture
- Web page / Content Findability
- Navigation Efficiency
4. Accessibility Analysis
Nowadays a number of mobile devices and gadgets are available beyond the desktop and laptops where users love to run websites for information access. The accessibility analysis ensures whether or not a website is accessible on every device such as mobile devices, tablets, notebooks and web-enabled TVs and gaming consoles without compromising the user experience.
A professional in Web Design Technology suggests the primary pointers to be evaluated during the analysis are :
- Cross-Browser/Cross-Platform support
- Support for responsive website design
- Support for Semantic HTML Markup
- Correct use of HTML
- Choice of color pallets and CSS
5. Website Analysis
This is another important aspect adds more heat in the web usability. An individual user has minutes to seconds to visit a website or browse a page. If a website takes hours before loading, users get irritated and leave your website. A well-defined Design Methodology can be a big help if you are really looking forward to improved website loading speed. Therefore you should work hard on your page response time. Below listed factors are very pertinent throughout.
- Overall response time of the web page
- Size of the web pages
- Use of Flash or other heavy software
- Code quality
- Bugs/ errors in website
6. Branding Analysis
Your website is your brand. It represents you in the marketplace whether offline or online. Thus, you need to ensure all the branding elements in place and organized.
- Color Scheme:
- Start with the color scheme. A website should carry consistent color palette throughout the website. Company's logo and corporate color palette should be in accordance with the color scheme.
- Typography:
- Most companies use a standard font and typography across their websites. That typography helps to maintain consistency and distinguish them from that of their competition. While website designing It's important to ensure that typography is in line with the branding standards you follow.
- Videos and Images:
- Images and videos are an integral part of your brand. You should choose right images and videos that best represent your brand, industry and products.
- About Us Page:
- Most companies miss out this very important page. It needs to be written and showcased professionally. The page should tell your visitors more about you, your mission and your vision.
- Tone Of Voice:
- Each company has a distinct and unique tone of voice. Being the owner, your website should have consistency in tone of voice throughout.
- Use Headers and Subheaders Properly
- Use Canonical URLs
- Use a Sitemap.xml File
- Avoid Frames
- Optimize for Performance
- Use HTML5 and Schema
7.Design Analysis:
There are key website designing elements that play a significant role in user experience. Lacking at any of those might kill your prospects. It's also important to have a consistent Website Formatting for navigation, headers, text, typography and hyperlinks. Content flow is also a vital element to address. Use precise and value adding content without annoying the users. Keep white spaces wherever necessary as it helps users to segment and digest the information presented.
Create easily visible and unambiguous call-to-action to guide your visitors along the way. It's recommended to plan call-to-action in early stages of website development, so they can be included in the design in a non-obstructive manner.
8. Coding Analysis
While observing weaker elements in your website, stop by at the coding. There could be errors there that require quick fix. Here are the coding elements of core importance:
Unless a website has a great user experience quotient, no user will ever attempt to associate with it. There are a number of very important and simple factors that play a serious role in offering user experience and improving user reach.

Tarun Gupta, CEO of Brainpulse Technologies, is a prolific author and digital marketing specialist. His insightful writings span SEO, content marketing, social media strategy, and email campaigns, offering invaluable expertise to businesses worldwide. Tarun’s contributions continue to shape the digital marketing landscape, guiding success in multiple niches.