I have seen a serious transition in terms of Google updates in the year 2014. Whether it's the Panda update rolled around or the Penguin update took place after a deadly pause of over a year. For all those whose world goes around Google, the year 2014 was eventful. The changes that occurred were good for some and worse for a few. Eventually, whenever a change appears, there are a bunch of people who suffer. But, fortunately, the updates were not as bad as anticipated.
If you are one among those unfortunate webmasters whose web traffic and search visibility have reached their greatest low, you are the most wanted convict of recent Panda Updates. Whether or not you admit it you must have played a trick game with 'thin' and 'shallow' content to increase the frequency of your page text or articles but unfortunately, it became a disaster.
How Google Takes on Thin Content?
Being a giant among the search engines, Google takes quite a straight approach to content quality across the web. Google loves to see a piece of solid content with better value added to the user and must be rich, original, and relevant in the context. I feel this is the top reason behind the frequent Panda updates by Google to ensure a fine balance between graphics and content pieces.
Google is quite intelligent in finding your con motives. Undoubtedly, Google's Panda is a stern red flag against thin and low-value content. So, the million-dollar question arises what's the solution? I am suggesting not one but two solutions at once.
How to Identify Thin Content?
Google has a very mechanical view of low-quality text. A text that we feel complete in every sense, is judged by Google as a poor script. Why such discrimination? Don't be serious. Google uses no heart to check your text, it trusts on its algorithm to find a piece of text poorly written. In one of his video releases, Matt Cutts, the boss of Google's Search Spam team revealed how they find the low-quality content on the websites.
Internal Duplicates
As the name implies internal duplicates are those contents that are copied across the same website and in its internal pages. For Google, every URL is a unique identity thus every copy of the text piece reduces the quality of the content.
Cross-Site Duplicates
In contrary to the previous, cross-site duplicates or those contents copied on another website with changed headings and subheadings. The duplicate content across several sites instigates a Google frenzy and I seriously have no idea whether or not Panda spares Syndication and authorized duplicate content across the websites.
Content with High Ad-Ratio
Interestingly, a page with a content ratio of less than 30% and the rest ads, is termed as a page with no content value. Although, no official announcement has yet been made by Google to disclose 'how much is too much', an internet marketing campaign certainly takes the dead end if you don't understand the difference between a text copy and an Ad copy.
How to Find and Fix Thin Content?
So, the key point is- how to make your content marketing Panda proof? Though, I have written so many articles on the topic, let me sum up with some crucial points fetched from those.
Improve The Content Quality
Panda loves quality content. Thus, the first rule is – to have great content on your website. However, You need to work hard to curate content that delivers true value to the users. Start with research. A great content can't be developed unless done with thorough research on the topic.
Search for the kind of content your audience is searching for. Understand your audience and their taste. It's futile to develop content that doesn't suit your audience. To make your users fully understand your content, use several concrete examples and illustrations. Along with that, don't forget to format your content and proofread it.
Keep Content Updated and Engaging
If you success in keeping your audience stuck to your content, you're the clear winner. Give them the posts they love to read time and again. There are kinds of content that will help you in having higher levels of audience engagement.
Topics that include – 'How-To', 'Tips and Tricks', and ' FAQs' are some that readers love to go through frequently. Do you still believe that decade old case studies and newsletters on your website are still relevant? They are almost outdated and have no worth at all. Neither in terms of user value nor in freshness. If you find such content, either remove them or make them up-to-date. Panda, sometime takes offense of outdated content as well.
Focus on Keyword Density
Despite offering greater value for the reader, your content may fall apart if stuffed with keywords. Keep a fine balance between two keywords and also be justified with the number of times keywords are used within the content. Technically, keyword density is measured by dividing the number of times keywords are used and the total number of words used in the content. Though, Google doesn't suggest any hard and fast rule for keyword density, you should keep it right.
Avoid Duplicates Content
It's a big turn-off seeing copied or duplicate content. Certainly, it's not sin to earn ideas from others but copying them line by line does fall in the category. Panda is quite serious about it as of now. Be genuine about the thought you're depicting in your content.
Write Long Form Content
The length of your content is now a key. The Panda has no strict mentions about the content length, However, it should be long enough to deliver the essence of the post. Don't limit or stop your post until it gets the real juice. Interestingly, longer posts these days are getting good responses from Panda and SERPs. So, let's try with a post stretched a bit long.
Stick to the Main Topic
As I said, Panda needs fresh and well-curated content, deviation from the central idea of the post may harm your SEO efforts. I'll define deviation in two ways. Let's go with the first. Your website deals in core SEO and your article covers tips on affiliate marketing, quite an off-topic.
Now the second deviation goes here. Your content starts with an idea covering several aspects of Panda update and suddenly it's drifted to Penguin. It happens when you write without a plan. Keep a content calendar pinned on your workstation to know what to write and when.
Appropriate Formatting
Poorly formatted content reduces the value of information. Think how ambiguous it would be if readers fail to spot headings, paragraphs, and sub-headings. So, while writing content, keep having headers, sub-headers, bullet points, and proper paragraphs to give a solid presence online.
How to Find and Fix Thin Content?: Conclusion
The conclusion of the story is pretty simple. Panda Refresh is all bout having content with value and information. Panda endorses the content that engages the audience. Informative content sets the stage for great user experience. If the content generates a higher level of user experience, it's doing the right job. Thus, be right with your content and keep the panda happy.

Tarun Gupta, CEO of Brainpulse Technologies, is a prolific author and digital marketing specialist. His insightful writings span SEO, content marketing, social media strategy, and email campaigns, offering invaluable expertise to businesses worldwide. Tarun’s contributions continue to shape the digital marketing landscape, guiding success in multiple niches.