Tarun Gupta

Evergreen Ecommerce Trends that are Going to Stay

Tarun Gupta | Jun 18th, 2016 | Web Development Resources
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Amidst emerging craze of ecommerce seo, businesses are increasingly focusing on having their online product selling portals active and optimized. If optimized well, a portal likely gets more web traffic, larger stream of revenue helps to funnel traffic to your most profitable pages.

Evergreen eCommerce Trends

However, optimizing an ecommerce seo portal hasn't been that easy as earlier it was. Either fields are evolving with new technologies, new insights and new SEO best practices to let search engine optimizers stay ahead of the competition.

Out of the box thinking:

With the advent of search engines, specially giant Google, optimization technologies have also started making headways. The helped Webmasters sail through various activities and push websites on the top of the search rankings. Lately, Google lashed out some of those techniques that seemed spammy. Now, webmasters have an entire new breed of eCommerce SEO techniques that are advanced, genuine and guarantee improved results.

These technologies likely are the third-party apps, widgets and tools webmasters can use. These out of the box solutions have been around for a while and helped SEOs in their on-site and off-site campaign management. Yoast SEO is a bright example of that technology. If you're still using these out of the box solutions, you are rolling at right, though, the industry hasn't yet configured an application or tool that automatically performs every on-site function.

Detailed product description

We have been through a long tradition of seeing short product descriptions on the product pages. This year the short-form content that includes a title, a brief description, a handful of photos and a few customer reviews would probably be replaced with long form content on ecommerce websites. This is because users demand enough details of a product they are going to buy and search engines too prefer long-form content in almost every niche.

As trends are shifting, webmasters will be gearing up for longer-form content that provides more detail, more long-tail and conversational phrases. Even I too will recommend you to start seeing through long-form content on your company blog, describing your products and offering insights on your company.

Product Sharing:

No one can deny how social media is becoming a buzzword for internet market place. Social media channels are doing tremendous job of making things popular across the masses. Online marketers are currently seeing a positive ROI from social media marketing, and if experts are to be believed, over the course of the next five years it will shape up most of the brands online.

Keep engaging people by encouraging them share their experience they had have with their website. More they share throughout the shopping and checkout process, more the visibility your ecommerce seo portal gains online. I will recommend you to stay your audience with social opportunities throughout your site.

Video content

It's a proven fact that video content has more potential for virality than other form of content. If you're still not using video content to promote your products, you are loosing opportunity big time. In years coming and ahead, video content is set to become more popular as ecommerce SEO, so produce compelling video content to create extended audience outreach.

Growing Competition

Talk about any business, say online or offline, customers are the king. Strategies are formed around them and campaigns are run to get them in. A few month down the line from now, I will be expecting more power to the buyers with more and more players joining ecommerce bandwagon. Letting the shoppers compare the products and prices at one place, has made the game even fiercely competitive. One who will offer the lowest price and better savings, would be the winner.

Global shopping

A couple of months back I visited an UK based online shopping portal to buy a gaming console I really liked. Unfortunately, they refused to ship at Indian destinations and made my purchase null and void. But, now I am seeing these online merchants allowing transactions from out side their native place, they are located at. As e-merchants like Amazon and eBay have started catering to the overseas consumers, I am hoping it would influence more buyers to go for online shopping.

Rise of Domestic merchants

What rattles most of us is that our relatives and loved once couldn't receive a gift we send through an online store just because their locations are not covered in shipping. Of course it's next to hard for e-retailers to cover every stretch of the country. But, as technology is improving by each passing day, I believe they would cover every single shopper at remote destinations across the country.

More Personalized Marketing

The year 2016 would observe a solid stake on personalized marketing. Merchants would invest huge on tapping the big data to understand consumer insights. It will help them follow up their customers with personalized products and offers for a highly innovative shopping experience. This isn't a new thing at all as most of the vendors are already into it; all that I am seeing in 2016 is a more coherent and strategic evaluation of customer data.

Same day delivery

Haven't you got the news how a customer fell into surprise when he saw Flipkart CEO himself delivered an item ordered? The major takeaway from this instance is that merchants are ready to go at any extent to make buyers feel special and honored. I don't really mean that CEOs are going to be the delivery boys, but they would mix and socialize with buyers in 2016 in their own ways.

Mobile Shopping

As I have told you in the very beginning of the blog, growing mobile phone population has already connected buyers with online shopping websites. They are more interested in having hassle buying experience using their Smartphones or tablets. Mobile apps have added fuel to the frenzy as more and more merchants went in app-only mode to tap the mobile ecommerce potential. Believe me, the merchants not capable of operating well on mobile device will fail to get more business, customer and revenue.

Video marketing

Videos have been a core component of digital marketing, and marketers likely to continue their video marketing efforts to gain buyers and conversion in 2016 as well. We are already familiar to marketing service and promotional videos via video streaming channels YouTube and Vimeo, and that trend would continue to grow. However, I am expecting tactical changes in the way of video promotion by the digital marketers.

Mobile optimization

By launching Mobilegeddon, Google has already set the guidelines for mobile optimized websites. However, only having a website optimized for mobile won't get the results, you need offer the best possible content and functionality experience to mobile users. Alongwith mobile optimization, mobile apps should also be optimized as Google is favoring the apps optimized for play stores. Since most of the e-commerce platforms are in fray to develop their own mobile apps, mobile optimization may lead the charge this year and ahead.

Voice search

For voice assistants, like Cortana, 2016 will be a shining year. Just a few years ago, digital assistants failed to grab the attention of techies and didn't able to recognize voices accurately. But now, more people are relying on voice search, and ecommerce seo tech conglomerates are increasingly looking at having their own digital assistants.

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Karen Axelton Says:

Pleasant post! I think a major trend that will become even more important is the combination of search and in-app content. We saw Google make a major move last year by indexing Twitter . I still come across a lot of business’s who don’t perceive the benefit of indexing or profound connecting their in application content.. Could be a big opportunity.