Tarun Gupta

Tips for Engaging More Customers through Instagram Marketing

Tarun Gupta | Aug 8th, 2020 | Social Media Marketing
instagram marketing 2020

Social media has always served as a platform for marketing right from the startups to established businesses and the main reason being that nearly 80% of the followers search for their favourite brands. User engagement in any brand is mostly measured by its likes shares and comments from the users of their product.

Instagram marketing can be your best way to establish your brand and take your business to the next level but, in order to do so, you will have to increase your consumer’s engagement.

Increasing engagement seems to be a daunting task because you will need a lot of tactics to use this social media to your advantage. Here are some steps that you can follow to successfully market your business and to win:

Consistency is the key

If you are looking for a way to boost user engagement in your brand you will have to be active on your social media handle which means you will have to post at least 1-2 posts on a daily basis.

If you continue to be consistent then your feed will stay fresh with new updates for your followers to see and that would also attract new followers to your brand. Apart from engaging your users through posts, you must also know the right time to post your content which will help you gain more audience to your handle.

Convey your message visually

Social media platforms do not run on mediocre branding strategies instead you will have to create visually impactful content that comprises videos, photos, and visual information. You can not just write when you are marketing your brand because you need much more than that so you should create visual content that captivates your target audience.

People want to get closer to the brands and storytelling can surely help in bridging the gap between you and your users. You can personally follow brands that are great at storytelling and use them as your inspiration for creating your own story. Captions that are long with a tinge of storytelling and full of authenticity can help you create a deeper connection with your consumers.

Gradually create brand awareness

If you are new to the business you should be able to use the above-mentioned strategies in order to build your brand gradually and get hold of your user’s attention. You should also interact with your users to create a good impression of your brand and also imbibe consumer loyalty into your brand. You should be able to focus on the main areas that will help your users to build some trust on your brand by presenting a profile, creating style patterns, and also by keeping your images looking extremely fresh.

Choose your hashtag wisely

There is a need to research before you use any of the Instagram hashtags in your posts because a common hashtag would mean that you will have to face the competition of millions. Instead of using common hashtags, you can use the mix of trending as well as your industry-relevant tags which will help you connect more to your target audience.

You can also do your research by looking at the top-performing posts with the tag and once your content matches up with the trending one then you will be the winner. You will be able to garner a lot of users just with the perfect hashtag, therefore, this is one of the most important steps for marketing your brand this 2020.

Look for user-generated content

There is no doubt that user-generated content always works like a magic potion for marketers because it increases your chances of creating a strong customer relationship. User-generated content is created as well as approved by the audience which will also reduce your marketing costs altogether.

Some of the leading brands run a campaign asking their followers to upload unique photos and promise a great reward as a result they get numerous user-generated content. This not only helps in marketing your business well but also in establishing your brand among your users.

Be ready to use subtitles and closed captions in the video

According to a survey conducted by Instagram, only 60% view the video with the sounds on and the rest 40% just see the visuals so you need to start adding those subtitles. Since videos have been dominating the internet educating us, marketing products, and entertaining us some of the viewers do not like the sound associated with it which calls for subtitles as well as closed captions.

These are some of the steps that you can follow to market your business this 2020 and also ensure that you have the customer engagement that you expected after following these steps. The key to success in social media marketing is consistency and constant contact with the consumers both of which will help you win in the business arena this year.

Tagged In: instagram

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