Every online business has its own motives to accomplish and goals to catch irrespective of investment and strength. An SEO campaign may help but only if it has been implemented with a discreet thought process. Until your SEO activities are thoroughly analyzed by the experts, they won't yield any results. That why BrainPulse brings in a comprehensive free SEO health-check campaign to let the newbie business owners have an opportunity to get their SEO campaigns more power.
Most of the websites need to be tweaked to turn their most important components visible in terms of search engines. A core team of dedicated SEO professionals offer free of cost website SEO report with no obligation at all. Our primary SEO health-check report scrutinizes and evaluates a number of below listed components together.
- Valid sitemap.xml file.
- Validity and relevance of the title tags.
- Relevance of the meta description tags.
- Use of alt tags on images.
- Existence of a valid robots.txt
- Identified SEO failure points .
- Competitor Analysis.
- On-Site Factors assessment.
- Off-Site Factors assessment.
- Current Ranking Assessment.
- Canonical 301 redirect.
- Custom 404 error page.
- And Much More.
During the process, we collect information about a website with the intent to identify and analyze its various aspects that may be damaging or hindering your Search Engine Rankings. Post analysis, we send you a score sheet that explains the extent to which your website is executing its ranking potential.
Our health-check process develops a blueprint of the bottlenecks that prevent your website to get visible and then suggest remedies to overcome the dust. Each of our customized SEO plans are suitable to your business needs. If your website is loosing the sight, our plans are the best for you. All you have to choose one among the many available and you are done. Our experts will take care of your visibility issues as efficiently as you expect. If you are among first 50 buyers of our customized plans this week, you will get up to 25% discount on upfront payment.
Don't wait anymore. Call our 24x7 helpline 0120-6790400 to get the best deals.

Tarun Gupta, CEO of Brainpulse Technologies, is a prolific author and digital marketing specialist. His insightful writings span SEO, content marketing, social media strategy, and email campaigns, offering invaluable expertise to businesses worldwide. Tarun’s contributions continue to shape the digital marketing landscape, guiding success in multiple niches.