With so many digital marketing methods in place, email marketing has witnessed a visible shift in the past decade. Recall the times when emails emerged being the most popular marketing medium, that businesses leveraged to send as many emails to their audience.
It was the time when quantity took over the quality of those emails sent to the recipients. Lately, methods have evolved to keep the marketing spam-free and within the purview of legal email regulations. It forced email marketers to keep their campaigns more appealing and creative.
The medium again experienced a sharp shift when digital marketing appeared to the marketers with solid potential. Social Media Marketing professional started using Facebook and Twitter for most of their peer-to-peer communication, leaving email marketing reserved for only business communication.
Reasons Why Email Marketing is Still Essential:
In addition, marketers seemed more inclined to use mobile devices and preferred working on small screens instead of bulky desktop setups. The diminishing popularity of email marketing led to a perception that either it's on the verge of hostility or almost left merely a tool for fetching cold leads.
1. Emails Work Well on Mobile and Desktop
Your audience may have migrated to Smartphones from Desktops, but, their attitude towards emails remains unchanged. Essentially, emails and messages are equally dominant for audience engagement, but I prefer emails. Reading text messages becomes tedious if they go beyond the limit of the text length. This is why, marketers are bound to shorten their message to comply with the length.
That makes the whole communication chaotic and confusing on occasion. On the contrary, emails may have an unlimited word count that lets the recipient get into the essence of that communication unambiguously. If given a choice between email and SMS, I prefer emails, as replying to them doesn't cost a penny, but an SMS does.
2. People Like Emails Over SMSes
Tell me any other method that keeps you updated about the next digital marketing seminar in your town, its venue, details, guests, and table of contents. Here, an SMS can't help. Such updates need a series of emails that educate and engage the audience. Email sequences can pack a lot of good information, for both marketers and consumers.
3. Emails Convey Information More Diligently
Email marketing rightly complements all other digital marketing platforms. If you set to launch a social media campaign to promote your brand, you'll email your customers. A change in your PPC strategy would also require instant updates to your clients via email, and the list goes on for webinars, branding promotions, etc. You can't tell me a better strategy than email marketing for solid customer outreach.
4. Cheaper Than Other Mediums
If ROI is all that you need, you can't beat email marketing. Being one of the most affordable modes of marketing, it reduces the extent of loss. Just compare it with other expensive marketing modes such as pay-per-click marketing or TV ads, if your campaign bombs, your loss doesn't turn into a disaster. Big thanks to its affordability.
5. Emails Have More Chances of Conversion
Even statistics back what I say. If they are to be believed, email marketing converts 40 times better than Facebook and Twitter. If you shoot off the campaign with perfect mailer content, captivating images, and strategically placed call-to-action buttons, your email campaign will fetch an amazing audience. It will improve the campaign's open rate and click-through rates as well.
6. Email Marketing Is Here To Stay
This could be a part of the story, that I am not going to believe at this point of time. I have stats to make you believe that email marketing is doing well, inhibiting greater opportunities for marketers and companies are seeing huge returns on their investment. The following points will prove email marketing a phenomenon, and a highly profitable method for earning ROI in 2016.
7. Email Marketing Is Growing
In a survey, conducted by Salesforce, it was found that 73 percent of marketers claimed that email marketing was a crucial strategy for their business. The survey also disclosed that 59 percent of marketers are planning to increase their email budgets in 2020.
I do not have a habit of following people blindly and making a decision under influence of popular perception, but these people have massive real experience with email marketing, thus, they appear to be true. I am seeing two important factors significant behind the growth – people have started opening emails over mobile devices significantly increased open rates and options available to marketers are more diverse than ever.
8. Emails Still Build Relationships
The scope of emails has been increased beyond being sent to the audience inbox. Marketers are now using this method to harbor their marketing efforts and tie up all their campaigns together. If you have just finished your new blog, start sending snippets of that to readers to tell them you're ready with a new one. If you've started a new social media or other campaign, send emails to people inviting them to subscribe and engage.
9. Email Marketing is Still Affordable
Compare email marketing with other digital marketing methods you're known to, it's still cheaper and quicker. If you already have a validated email list of subscribers, get an email marketing service from a reputed service provider like you and start buzzing your potential buyers.
Additionally, investing a few hundred dollars in email lists can bring you hundreds of potential new customers. Add more to your email marketing budget, and get an engaging email design to present your brand. This is a radically new way to increase both brand loyalty and engagement.
Sumant is an accomplished content marketer with years of experience in producing meticulously researched content in the dynamic world of digital marketing. His deep insights into industry trends, consumer behavior, and emerging technologies have consistently resulted in engaging, informative, and effective content.
November 7th, 2015 at 6:17 pm
We’ve used the personalization email strategy with great success, it has completely blown all of our previous email marketing campaigns out of the water in terms of response rate. I must recommend this email marketing strategy….
November 21st, 2015 at 5:57 pm
Email advertising today is far not quite the same as 10 years back. Technology has everlastingly changed the way clients associate with organizations. Marketers hoping to draw in clients, separate their image, and develop their organizations need to live and inhale these five new principles of email marketing.