In the web hosting environment, Windows web hosting and Linux web hosting are giving stiff competition to each other to become the most visible. Very true, both platforms have their advantages over others and the users who use these utilities sing their songs in praise. Let Windows rest in peace at least till the completion of this article since this writeup is going to elaborate associated advantages of Linux web hosting. Experts always think that Linux is an obvious match for running Web hosting servers and applications due to its stability and durable approach. You can rely on several benefits that Linux offers while using it as the server platform. Below summarized are the factors that make the most preferred hosting platform:
- Extended security and stability
- Flexible scripting language compatibility
- Efficient Database support
- Enhanced server maintenance capabilities
Open Source Software
- Being an open-source platform is the key advantage that Linux offers over other server platforms. Purchasing Linux needs no licensing fee or any other associated surcharges, so anyone can download the Linux platform to use the server. Due to its open-source nature, users may also add customized codes to improve the software functionality constantly.
Linux Conversion
- Linux offers an ability where users can easily convert a Linux-based website into a Windows-based website. It's the biggest advantage in the scenario when Linux hosting software doesn't accomplish the need, expected. Users may have the option to upload the files to a Windows website with no or minor changes. It helps a lot when comes to managing the growing number of business websites.
Scripting Language Compatibility
- If experts are to be believed, Linux shows more compatibility with the scripting languages like MySQL, Perl, and PHP. All desktop and server applications required for your web design or development such as File Server, Web Server, DNS Server, and FTP can easily be downloaded free for your server to use.
Database Compatibility
- With Linux database hosting, users can avail several databases like SQL, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. with full compatibility and without any additional plug ins. All these database offer a convenient mechanism to led an effective communication between the website and database. If you desire an efficient data retrieval mechanism across the hosting process, Linux serves you best.
Stability and security
- Linux is known for proactive security and stability measures in comparison to other server platforms. Linux is primarily popular as it's available as an open-source software. It enables Linux to be more economical, secure, and stable. All the above mentioned attributes make Linux most appealing to web development professionals.

is head of search marketing division Brainpulse. He covers core search marketing topics that matter the most for online businesses. With over 10 years of his experience in the vertical, he successfully manages marketing strategies for clients.
Managed Web hosting Company offers complete Linux hosting packages to give you the extra mileage that your business deserves.