Tarun Gupta

Boost Conversion With Landing Pages

Tarun Gupta | Apr 18th, 2013 | Digital Marketing

No one can deny the importance of website landing pages when you think once about the lead generation aspects. Without one, internet marketers find it quite tough to convert visitors into actual leads. The reason is quite simple. A landing page has enough capacity to navigate users to the targeted pages. If you are looking forward to the Web Development Services to enhance your business exposure, think about the website's landing page with a precise perspective. This is probably the only way to grab visitor's attention and ensure more conversion. Before deriving a new website, it is important to visualize the overall structure of the landing page. This article is a comprehensive look up to find the top tips to design and develop a relatively landing page.

Add All Major Landing Page Components Together:

Let's start with all the critical elements of a landing page. What I will suggest you first is to gather all the critical lead-capture elements on the page. If all you need to make the things happen, it is very important to accumulate these highly important components in one place. Let me enlist the components below.

  • A captivating headline with sub-headlines
  • Brief offer description with value add
  • Supporting image (s)
  • Other supporting elements and images id mandatory
  • A sign up or query form

Keep The Landing Page Navigation Free:

This is probably one of the many methods that hold your buyers on the landing page. Once a buyer visits a page its your responsibility to keep them attached to the page. If they find any sort of navigation or links, chances are good that that may traverse from one page to another. If happens, it will be a big blow to your conversion dreams. I suggest you to remove the main navigation link from the page to escape the threat of user distraction.

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Relevant Landing Page Headlines:

If you ask a conversion rate optimization expert about the most important definitive point during the process, he will term audience trust as one. Miscommunication and confusion leads to the distraction. I would therefore suggest you to keep the messaging part in the CTA and the headline relevant. If audience clicks a link to navigate for free offers and on the landing page they find a different story misleading the forefront, distraction guaranteed. A user may accentuate a thought that CTA is linked to a wrong page.

Value Addition With Text:

I am an internet marketing expert and understand the gravity of a landing page on a business website. Since a landing page is designed to communicate about core services, it will always a great practice to place only that text on the page that contains the core value. Highlight the major benefits of the service and add some bulleted points to add extra substance to the page. For an instance if you navigate users to your PPC Campaign page don't explain him the inception of PPC technology but point out the major benefits in bulleted form that you will going to give them.

Add Value With Social Media:

Social sharing is another big aspect that play important role in conversion. Make sure to add social sharing buttons on the landing page however keep it limited to the major social platforms your potential audience uses. Social sharing certainly enables you to evangelize your content and offers on the landing pages. You may also get an advantage of email forwarding options to share the page with others.

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Play Safe With Your Landing Page Forms:

I personally feel that a sign up form on the landing page should accommodate the user fields in a very precise manner. If you really need to have quality leads, balance the sign up form with only some of the required and important form fields. This is a very common perception that the fewer fields a firm has, the higher the conversion rate would be. With every added field user has to work more on the form. If you have no options but to add more fields make sure all the fields are relevant and in compliance with the service and product you offer.

A Precise 'Submit' Button

A clickable 'Submit' button is not everything but an effective button does the wonders. While placing buttons on the page, distinguish the end action that you want to perform with the same. The text on the button should be relevant to the action. If you want to let the users download newsletters or brochures, quote it in precisely. Call-to-action texts like “Get Your Free Ebook,” “Get Your Brochure Kit and “Click for Instant Call Back” are a few indicative submit texts you may use according to the action perspective.

BrainPulse is an Internet Marketing Company offers a number of Conversion Rate Optimization Services to its global clientele in order to turn their online bushiness in money making machines.

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