Tarun Gupta

A Beginner Guide To Google AD Re-targeting

Tarun Gupta | Apr 4th, 2014 | Digital Marketing

How many times you have experienced that when you left browsing the website 'A' and move to 'B' or 'C', a banner ad for the company 'A' follows wherever you go? It isn't a sort of web stalking but a new and very impressive approach adopted by business giants. This is probably the most effective tactic for the marketers.

Google Remarketing : A New Approach To Targeted Marketing

Let's start. Remarketing, also known as ad re-targeting is a kind of Google Adwords comprising static image, animated images, video and text ads. This is a bit different from standard online display advertising you are familiar with. These are the banner ads from retailers and shown to the shoppers who have visited the website but left without any real transaction. The primary motive that re-marketing has to accomplish is to track those people who have shown enough interest in your products and services. The following example will help you understand the term better.

"You visit a website 'X' to purchase your favorite smartphone with 13MP camera and Android Kitkat OS. You browse the website and check the specifications of the phone. You want to buy but suddenly you leave the website for one reason or another."

Your browsing behavior gives retailers (whose website you have visited) following ideas:

  • You have decided to buy a smartphone
  • You are planning to purchase smartphones in the near future
  • You like their site and if find something worth buying, you will purchase.

How Does Re-marketing Works:

For setting up re-marketing in their websites, retailers put a small code into the site. This is a simple code written in JavaScript and doesn't hamper the performance of your website. Your visitors will have no idea that there's code included to follow them throughout. When a new visitor appears on your website, your website generates an anonymous browser cookie. Now, when the same visitor visits another site, re-marketing ad service provider knows where and when and where to deliver the ad.

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Primary Elements Of Google Re-Marketing:

To add value to re-marketing, Google offers a range of elements to the advertisers. You may consult experts in Google Ad- Retargeting if can't do it by your self. Using these elements, they can optimize your re-marketing campaigns for maximum results.

  • Auto- optimized layout Feature
  • Google Product Recommendation Engine
  • Google Real Time Bidding Algorithm

Visitor Segmentation For Re-marketing:

Google, the search engine giant offers 5 pre-set up visitor segmentations to the merchants when they set up a dynamic re-marketing campaign. Once setup completes, they can modify the settings as per requirements. Merchants can choose following visitor groups when they set up a new Remarketing ad:

  • All visitors
  • General visitors
  • Product viewers 
  • Shopping cart abandoner
  • Past buyers 

Different Type Of Remarketing:

There are following types of re-marketing available to merchants. Each of them has their own importance in term of specifications and attributes.

  • Site Remarketing
  • Search Remarketing
  • Social Media Remarketing
  • Email Remarketing

How To Measure The Success Of Re-marketing Campaigns:

Like any other digital campaign, re-marketing needs metrics to measure the results. Re-marketing consists a range of key metrics that are significant enough for the merchants.

Click Through Rate (CTR):
This is the metric measured by dividing total number of clicks an ad received with the number of impressions served.
Cost Per Click (CPC):
This metric is calculating by dividing total budget spent with the total number of clicks.
Effective Cost Per Thousand Impressions (eCPM):
This metric is calculated by dividing total earnings with total number of impressions served.The result achieved then multiplied by a thousand.
Effective Cost Per Acquisition (eCPA):
This metric comes when campaign spend is divided by impressions served. The result is then multiplied by the CTR and follows the multiplication with conversion rate.
Return On Investment(ROI):
This is probably the most important metric calculated by gain from investment minus your cost of investment and then divided by cost of investment.
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Finally, Where To Set Up The Campaign:

There are noted service providers who offer merchants a platform to set up create and manage a platform. Following are some of them:

Undoubtedly, Google comes on top as the biggest online advertiser with huge display ad network and acclaimed products like Gmail. Your first campaign can be set up just by logging into your Google Adwords account.
This could be another choice for setting up your first re-marketing campaign. AdRoll has a big range of advertising partners and allows merchants to set up campaigns using Facebook Exchange, the Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft online ad platforms.
Perfect Audience:
Its simplicity makes it the best suitable option for small businesses. Using this platform you can set up re-marketing campaign in very low budget. The platform is fully compatible with solutions like ; WordPress development, Magento development, 3dcart, and Shopify.

Remarketing does offer an array of business benefits to the merchants. If you haven't yet made the way with this technique, this is the right time to so. It has enough potential to drive more visitors to your site. All you need to set up the campaign on time and test it regularly to know the areas of improvement.

Tagged In: Google

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