Tarun Gupta

9 Reasons Why Buyers Are Not Buying From Your Website

Tarun Gupta | Jan 11th, 2017 | Digital Marketing

You may have launched your website with all frills, but still no takers of what you are selling. That means all is not good with your website. Despite having a great website, if you’re getting no business at all, there must be some bottlenecks that disrupt your sales funnel. Most of the websites fail to bring traffic and drive business business just because either issues are not addressed properly or owners are not sure how to handle them.

Got A Website But No Business? Here Is Why:

Following are some reasons why people aren’t buying from you. And the great thing is that most of them are pretty easy to fix.

1. You are acquiring the wrong traffic:

Ace marketers say that 10 relevant people coming to your website could be far better than 1000 those who don’t know why they are there. Unless you engage the right kind of audience on your website, you can’t expect business. Acquiring the wrong traffic is the biggest reason your website isn’t getting more buyers.
To ensure targeted traffic to your website, research your target audience. Find out more about who they are, what problems they have, and how they prefer to receive information.

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2. Customers don’t know what you are offering:

When a buyer lands at your website, he has a problem that needs solving. Therefore, you need to tell him that you understand exactly what his problem is, and that you have a solution. Make it very clear in the very beginning of your website how you can help your customers. Convey your service to them in a way they can relate to.

3. Your offerings are nothing different from others:

If you are really eager to push your business forward, you need to keep your offerings exciting enough. It should give customers something new they think about. They must not be similar to the products that can be purchased at dozens of different websites. Offer your buyers something different from others, and they will love to purchase it from you. You have to stand out from the crowd with the experience that you are creating.

4. Your Pitch Is Not Impressive:

You have right products on board and customers who might purchase the product, yet your cart is half filled. The reason behind this mess is that your pitch was not that impressive that could persuade them to buy. Your product / sales pitch should be immediately clear to the customers. It should start with considering the pain points of your customers and end with offering a product that is going to benefit them.

5. Customers Don’t Understand How You Can Help:

If all what you explain on your website says that “we have a product you are looking for, click here and buy it”, you are unintentionally pushing your buyers away. Most websites do this bluff. They don’t say anything about how the product can help customers solve their problem. It’s important to install a trust factor to make customers believe they’re making the right decision purchasing that product from you.

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Rather persuading customers to purchase, help them in taking buying decision. If all you are offering them a product / service, they’ll move to the others for getting more information on product they tend to buy.

6. Your Website Is All About You:

You could possibly be great in your trade, but customers don’t care. When they are on your website, they have a problem they need you to fix. If every random page of your website is popping with a message that you’re awesome of all, it won’t be going to help you at all. A website should be designed to address customers’ fears/wants/desires. Give your customers a reason to visit your website time and again.

7. Your website takes decades to load:

A poorly loading website keeps the users away. Decline in user traffic directly affects your sales. Your website may look awesome, but customers are not ready to wait forever to see flashy features to load. Websites that take more than three seconds to load may lose half of their traffic and therefore, business. The crux: Serve customers with a website that loads quickly.

8. Your customers don’t know where to go:

An ambiguous or cluttered buying path keeps customers away from buying. They are not purchasing from you as you didn’t create a funnel intended to guide them. Keep your conversion funnel simpler with a visible call-to-action. A clear conversion path helps customers complete a particular transaction comfortably.

9. Your website isn’t mobile ready:

At times, when over 50% of searches are made via mobile devices, and 4 out of 5 consumers today use smartphones to shop, you can’t afford to go without a mobile-friendly website. With its mobile-friendly search algorithm Mobilegeddon, Google made it clear that websites that deliver great user experience on mobile phones would gain ranking boost in search rankings.

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If your website is not opening up on mobile, you will lose customers who prefer buying online. This could dent your sales chart. Give your buyers an opportunity to buy while they are on the move. Launch a responsive version of your website today.

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